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The importance of quality flooring and ventilation in horse trailers and horseboxes

Home » The importance of quality flooring and ventilation in horse trailers and horseboxes

It is paramount to ensure there is quality flooring and ventilation in horse trailers and horseboxes when purchasing and maintaining them.


Whilst this may seem obvious to have safe floors, they are often easily overlooked. With many second-hand trailers on the market still having wooden floors, which over time can deteriorate and need replacing, inspection is essential. Wear and tear to the floor bed can be caused over time by a number of factors. The main factors being horses stamping, pawing or from urine corroding the floor bed. Corrosion can escalate if the trailer hasn’t been cleaned regularly. When purchasing a used trailer, where possible always lift up the rubber matting to check for any signs of damage. A trailer with an unsound floor can have disastrous consequences with horses falling through them.

To avoid this, all Cheval Liberté horse trailers are supplied with an aluminium floor. In addition, the rubber matting is glued and sealed as standard. This ensures no water or urine can seep underneath the mats and corrode the aluminium. The floor can still easily be examined underneath yourselves or during a regular service, which is recommended annually for all trailers.

Sealed floor in Cheval Liberte horse trailer
A sealed Cheval Liberté horse trailer floor

Ventilation in horse trailers

Especially with summers seemingly becoming increasingly longer and hotter, ventilation is paramount. Horses can easily over heat and arrive sweaty and distressed without adequate airflow whilst travelling. Always try to provide as much airflow through your trailer as possible to maintain a healthy environment for your horses. You can open sliding windows and roof vents to provide airflow whilst travelling, and when stationary open top doors and ramps. This not only allows air to circulate throughout the horse trailer, but also relaxes the horses as they can see what’s going on around them.

All of Cheval Liberté’s horse trailers have windows to the front and also down the sides to optimise ventilation. An airtech roller above the rear ramp also aids ventilation through the horse area. The Maxi herringbone trailer range take this one step further. With the near sides also having lifting window flaps, horses can look out, thus creating a mobile stable atmosphere.

Maxi trailer windows open
Happy horses with their side window flaps up.

By ensuring adequate and safe flooring and ventilation in horse trailers, you can rest assured that your equine passengers will travel safely.

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Cheval Liberte
Cheval Liberté has been supporting the UK and Ireland equestrian markets for over 20 years and is today considered to be one of the most trusted equestrian partners in the UK & Ireland.