When you’re looking to purchase your new Internal Stables, there are so many factors to consider. From the layout, which style frontage you prefer, finishing touches, infills and unfortunately the often limiting factor – the budget!
So here are a few pointers on these options to help you with your decision making.
The layout is often dictated by the barn housing the internal stables in terms of size and quantity you can accommodate. However, Cheval Liberté do offer a bespoke made to measure service to ensure the horse stables fit the space provided. Also it’s worth considering other options such as Wash Bays, Tack and Feed Rooms. For livery yards perhaps a kitchen, sitting area and toilet facilites would be beneficial. Internal stables for livery yards also be installed with individual storage rooms to the rear of each stable. This enables liveries to have their own personal space, which works really well.
Club Range – V Sliding Door in Recycled Plastic
With several options there is something to suit every personal preference and budget. From the entry level Club range to the Prestige range, we can accommodate all tastes!
Prestige Range – Deauville in Brown Recycled Plastic
We offer 3 different Infills, each encased in a steel frame for strength and durability, with their own unique characteristics.
Tanalised Pine – Our most popular option, the wood is pressure treated and 40mm wide timber (thicker than most of our competitors). However, customers need to bear in mind that this is a natural product and due to the pressure treating process, in extreme heat conditions the wood could naturally shrink or swell. Should this occur we supply complimentary replacement planks upon request, which can easily be replaced by the customer. We can also provide crib plates on the doors for extra protection against any nibblers on the yard!
Recycled Plastic – An environmentally friendly, hardwearing and durable option, especially for using with washrooms as they are waterproof and easy to clean. We wouldn’t recommend using them in a project which involves direct sunlight as the plastic can warp over time. However, they are completely maintenance free, resistant to acids and salts and very robust. Available in black, brown, green, beige and grey you can really personalise your yard to your own tastes.
Hardwood (Oak or Denya) – The ‘creme de la creme’ of infills, Oak is durable and long lasting whilst providing the distinctive touch of class to any stable yard.
There are many optional extras you can add to personalise your stables to create a yard which is completely tailored to your taste.
Powder coating the steel creates a very regal and grand appearance. Available in any colour from the RAL chart, there is a colour to suit everybody’s preferences.
Finials really are the finishing touches, with brass caps, balls or even horses heads, the choice is yours.
Paint or Stain can also be applied to wooden infills to colour the wood to your own liking.
In addition to the finishing touches, accessories can make the day to day use of the stables so much easier.
We offer a range of accessories including;
So we’ve covered the exciting part of creating your dream yard, but how do you make your dreams become a reality if you’re on a limited budget? We now offer finance packages across all of our stable ranges so you can spread the cost and enjoy your dream stables without having to wait to save up!