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Horsebox vs Horse Trailer : Which to choose?

Home » Horsebox vs Horse Trailer : Which to choose?

Horsebox vs trailer? It’s a question many equestrians face, which do I choose, a Horse Trailer or a Horsebox? There are obvious benefits to both, and often after some thought, you conclude which is best for you. However, are you forgetting some key things that could put you in Team Horse Trailer? We’re using our larger Herringbone Trailers, the Maxi3 and Maxi4, to show you why you should consider these models over that 20-year-old horse lorry you’ve got your eye on!

horsebox          Minimax horse trailer

So, what’s the difference?

When it comes to transporting horses, you have two main options – a horse trailer or a horsebox/lorry. Whereas a Horsebox is a type of vehicle designed specifically for travelling horses, a Horse Trailer is essentially a mobile stable attached to a car, truck or 4×4 and towed. 

So, which really is better?

As stated, it depends on your needs, but we believe there are a lot of benefits to larger herringbone horse trailers that go a miss! 

Here are seven things you may not have thought of: 

1) We all know horseboxes are on the pricey side, even for a 2000 plate lorry you’re looking at £15,000 plus. You have the benefits of living in of course, which is a must for regular competitors. However, for those who compete more locally, travel for training, or to try new hacking routes, is this really needed? 

2) The thing to remember with horseboxes is that the costs don’t stop at the purchase, especially for older models. From general repairs, services, insurance and running costs, it can be a very expensive yard ornament! You may say, yes but I need to transport 3 or 4 horses and ponies at a time, and only a lorry can do this! However, this is not the case! Our Maxi3 and Maxi4 offer all the capabilities and benefits of a horsebox at a much greater value for money.

3) Even if you own one horse, you can share the costs of travelling by partnering up with fellow riders in your area and travelling together. The large built-in tack room means there is plenty of room for as much gear as you need and stops your towing vehicle being cluttered!

4) It’s a well-known fact that for many horses and ponies travelling diagonally in a herringbone style, it is a favourable choice, this is why many equestrians opt for horseboxes. However, we are one of the very few manufacturers that offer this travel style in trailer form. The Maxi3 and Maxi4’s diagonal stalls are very spacious and allow travelling horses to spread their legs and achieve a secure stance without encouraging pressure points

5) It’s a misconception that horses travel better in lorries, because they are lorries. However, if you break it down it tends to be because firstly, they’re travelling herringbone but also that they tend to be more spacious. Does this mean a trailer can’t be? No, not with our Maxi3 and Maxi4 anyway! With high roofs, many windows and rear Airtech roller these models are well ventilated, light, and non-claustrophobic. Unlike many dark and limited natural lighted horseboxes, you can get for a similar cost!

6) A trailer is excellent all year round, not just for competition season. We’ve referenced ‘Yard Ornament’ earlier in this blog, the fact of the matter is, do you want to keep a horsebox insured, maintained and prep for it to sit in the yard 70% of the year? Having a separate towing vehicle and trailer means that you get 100% use throughout the year between the two. Remember also; our trailers are not limited to horses only. Our iconic Cheval Liberte Combination 2-1 Rear Ramp and Barn Door means you can quickly load and transport straw, hay and feed, as well pretty much anything else up to its MGW.  

7) Our seventh thing is, a trailer isn’t a lorry. Ok, wait, hear us out. Remember that time you were at a competition, it was pouring down, and the site looked more like a pond than an equestrian arena? Then, remember watching the lorry drivers stuck in the mud of the waterlogged lorry park waiting to get towed out by the friendly tractor driver, whilst the trailer owners happily drove away? Yeah, we know which one we’d rather be! 

The fact of the matter is, there are always going to equestrians that opt for horseboxes because it’s what they need. However, if you’re on the fence about which one to choose, whether you have one huge horse that requires a lot of room, or four ponies to take to training or out hunting for the day – a Cheval Liberte Maxi3 or Maxi4 may be the perfect solution for you!  

View our Maxi3 and Maxi4, as well as our two-horse Maxi2 trailer on our Herringbone Trailer Page. 


Cheval Liberte
Cheval Liberté has been supporting the UK and Ireland equestrian markets for over 20 years and is today considered to be one of the most trusted equestrian partners in the UK & Ireland.